3 Things To Know About Modern-Day Surveillance In Your Slip-And-Fall Claim

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3 Things To Know About Modern-Day Surveillance In Your Slip-And-Fall Claim

Slip-and-fall cases are some of the most common personal injury claims, and collecting evidence is a big part of these cases. Businesses utilize surveillance now more than ever, and there is a good chance that footage could be a part of your personal injury claim. If you have filed a personal injury claim because you had a slip, trip, or fall in a public place, there are a few things that you should know about modern-day video surveillance. 

You should automatically expect surveillance video to be produced. 

Take a look around you as you go about your day in your typical life and you will notice cameras all over the place. It is rare for a slip-and-fall case in a public place these days to not come along with some provided video footage of some kind. Cameras are nearly everywhere, from the grocery store down the street to the small gas station owned by the nice older couple who seem to know nothing about technology. It is good to anticipate this footage popping up as evidence in your case, especially if the person you are suing believes there is something there that proves that they are not at fault. 

The footage will be crystal clear, so you should be too. 

Modern-day video cameras are far more advanced than what they have ever been before. These cameras can do everything from recognizing faces to zooming in on license plate numbers if they have to. Therefore, it is highly likely that the footage provided will clearly show every action you take. Therefore, it is practically impossible to fake a slip and fall and not get caught. Make sure you are totally upfront with your personal injury lawyer about all the details of what took place; don't exaggerate. The footage will likely show everything quite clearly. 

It is best if you have your own footage for comparison. 

Yes, the defendant will likely produce surveillance footage, and it should show exactly what took place. However, it is not unheard of for someone facing a major liability claim to try to somewhat mess with the footage they provide. For example, they may clip the video so that it starts right after an associate came by and picked up whatever you tripped on. It is always best if you gather your own evidence at the scene right when the incident takes place so you can be certain the full story gets told with the evidence provided. 

For more information about how to proceed with your slip-and-fall case, contact your personal injury lawyer.

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Basic Information Concerning Personal Injury Attorneys and Litigation People who become injured due to the negligence of others often hire personal injury attorneys to represent them in a lawsuit. If you're in this type of situation, you should examine the articles on this blog to learn more information about the process. We aren't in the legal profession and we don't know everything there is to know about the law, but we have done some research on our own to find out the basics of personal injury litigation. As you read this blog, you'll learn what steps you should take to hire an attorney and what to expect if your lawsuit goes to trial. You'll also find information about the laws pertaining to personal injury cases. We hope the articles on this site will help you to decide your next steps in the litigation process.

