Free Service A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Give You

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Free Service A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Give You

Getting injured is never pleasant. An injury that comes as the result of someone else's negligent behavior can be that much more difficult to deal with. If you have recently been hurt due to an auto accident or work accident that wasn't your fault, it's time to think about getting legal help--especially if your injuries are serious. Medical bills and money lost from missing work can really hurt your life. If you don't have a lot of money, you should know that personal injury lawyers offer some free services.

Consultation Regarding Your Case

The first consultation in almost all injury cases is completely free. There may be some injury firms that may not offer this initial meeting without charge, but the vast majority do for standard injury cases. From the consultation, your lawyer will discuss all of the details of what happened with you, and they will determine what needs to be done to gather facts and evidence. During the initial consultation, the legal fees moving forward will be discussed, and you may be asked to sign a retainer agreement in order to officially hire the lawyer you are consulting with. Most retainer agreements for injury cases require no upfront payment but will require you to pay your lawyer from any settlement funds received at the end of your case. Depending on the case, the percentage of these fees will typically range from 25% to 50%.

Legal Opinion Regarding Your Damages

Once you have started the process with your lawyer with a consultation, another thing that is free is a legal opinion on the damages you've incurred. Developing this opinion will usually require gathering more information. Your lawyer may develop this legal opinion based on previous cases and legal precedents; but he or she may also confer with doctors and other professionals regarding your specific injuries. This may require you to go to a doctor recommended by your lawyer to be checked out or to see another specialist of some sort. The totality of your current medical expenses, future medical needs, as well as the toll of ongoing pain and suffering will all be factored into the final amount your lawyer decides your case is worth. From there, you and your lawyer can decide what you wish to demand from those responsible in a demand letter and any subsequent lawsuit.

Upfront Money to Cover Expenses

Many personal injury firms provide upfront money to clients. While this isn't always the case, especially if a case isn't super strong, it is common for law firms to front clients the money for medical expenses and other needs if they believe the case is likely to result in a settlement. Some firms may provide these funds with little or no additional cost, other than to be paid back once the settlement comes in. If you are hurting financially now and can't access money due to an inability to work, using this option through a law firm can be a life saver.

There is no reason you shouldn't get legal help if you need it. Insurance companies and employers often hire big time law firms to keep their interests protected, and you should too. An injury can have a lifetime effect, so get the help you need now.

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About Me

Basic Information Concerning Personal Injury Attorneys and Litigation People who become injured due to the negligence of others often hire personal injury attorneys to represent them in a lawsuit. If you're in this type of situation, you should examine the articles on this blog to learn more information about the process. We aren't in the legal profession and we don't know everything there is to know about the law, but we have done some research on our own to find out the basics of personal injury litigation. As you read this blog, you'll learn what steps you should take to hire an attorney and what to expect if your lawsuit goes to trial. You'll also find information about the laws pertaining to personal injury cases. We hope the articles on this site will help you to decide your next steps in the litigation process.

